Category Archives: diversity training consultants

Discrimination: Some Unusual Cases

Diversity Training Consultants


Diversity Training Consultants Patricia Berkly


Diversity Training Consultants Patricia Berkly: Discrimination


Diversity training consultants should be prepared to deal with the other side of discrimination.  Diversity training consultants should know that women can be just as sexist as men.  Diversity training consultants should realize blacks can be just as prejudiced as whites. Diversity training consultants are best prepared when realizing human nature drives discrimination. When someone is in power and in the position to harass and discriminate, regardless of race or gender, they still break the law.  Diversity training consultants should be aware of the dynamics of bias and prejudice that manifest in all people.  Diversity training consultants should not rule out the possibility of off color comments from any group.

For example, Dr Hollis, one of the diversity training consultants for Patricia Berkly LLC, recently advised a white staff member who was the target of racism and disability discrimination at a predominantly black organization.  In this case, the diversity training consultants should recognize that the staff was denied promotions and funding for her special population; this treatment certainly smacks of disparate treatment. Diversity training consultants, who are trained to understand the basic human nature of bias, can prepare accordingly. Diversity training consultants then are a resource for all, not just the traditional targets of discrimination.

In terms of bullying, diversity training consultants should learn that often women are some of the biggest perpetrators.  Diversity training consultants should not assume that bullies only come in one shape or size.  Instead, diversity training consultants should be prepared and inclusive in their preparation and presentation.  Diversity training consultants have a responsibility to all participants; and diversity training consultants should recognize their own bias and plan for methods to work through such to better serve all in attendance.

Leah Hollis, Founder and President of Patricia Berkly LLC interview women across all demographics.  In turn, the book, Unequal Opportunity, has become a resource for diversity training consultants to consider the issue of race, age, pregnancy, and gender discrimination. Diversity training consultants can use this book as a resource. Diversity training consultants can also refer HR representative to this information to help them avoid discrimination lawsuits.  Diversity training consultants can find the book on or  Diversity training consultants should remain objective and prepared to address the concerns of the entire audience.

Costly Remarks

Diversity Training Consultants


Diversity Training Consultants Patricia Berkly LLC


Diversity Training Consultants Patricia Berkly LLC: The Milliren Case


Diversity training consultants who inform institutions of EEOC rules updates should coach participants regarding hostile environment. Diversity training consultants can help organizations avoid the complaints and court procedures can stem from constant off color remarks.  Recently, the EEOC has filed a case in regard to Kim Milliren who claims that she faced discrimination during a management training program at Schwan’s Home Service.  Diversity training consultants could have helped the company realize that constant remarks and emails about her gender could result in a formal complaint.  Further, diversity training consultants would also help organizations realize that once Milliren complained, retaliation should become a concern. Diversity training consultants can be valuable assets, and a fraction of the cost of defending a case in court.

Diversity training consultants also should consider another aspect of this case, the performance.  Diversity training consultants who offer EEO rules training should inform managers to document everything regarding to performance. Diversity training consultants who focus on the EEO laws can guide organizations through critical procedures in diversity management.  With the proper documents, diversity training consultants would help this organization keep proper files on all employees to defend the charge that the Milliren’s poor performance was occurring after her complaint, thus making it retaliation.

Diversity training consultants who provide proper support find themselves as an invaluable asset.  Diversity training consultants can provide services that not only support an environment and inclusion, but also assist management is proper diversity management.  Diversity training consultants who assist with diversity management be a proactive solution to managers who need to stay updated on the EEO rules and avoid the costly distractions generated by discrimination law suits.

There are other critical points in the Milliren case that diversity training consultants should consider in working with EEO rules training.  There are questions about the statue of limitations, which in this case was 300 days. Diversity training consultants can also review Milliren’s charge of systemic sexism.  Lastly, diversity training consultants would inform all parties that there are no winners.  As this case was just filed July 2011, diversity training consultants can also work with managers during the months or even years that this case grinds on.  Often if one person is complaining, several others might feel the discrimination at the hands of the same manager.  There is always work for the diversity training consultants.

Avoid The Discrimination Lawsuit Hit Parade

Diversity Training Consultants

Diversity Training Consultants Patricia Berkly LLC

Today’s Need For Diversity Training Consultants Patricia Berkly LLC

Of late, you might wonder if diversity training consultants have been improperly overlooked. There have been several workplace discrimination lawsuits demonstrating the constant need for expert diversity training consultants. Toshiba is facing a $100 million law suit. Bayer employees filed a gender discrimination law suit. 3M Company has agreed to pay up to $12 million to settle a discrimination law suit. Higher education is not immune, with Auburn athletics facing a race discrimination law suit after letting go 10 African Americans. Yale is facing investigation from the Office of Civil Rights. Apparently these organizations need diversity training consultants to help develop an inclusive organizational culture. How can organizations weather the storm of discrimination law suits crossing the country? Diversity training consultants who offer interactive programs can be most helpful; in fact when considering the cost of law suits and settlements, diversity training consultants are worth their weight in gold. Initially organizations may question the value of cultural diversity training consultants; but diversity training consultants can not only create workshops, diversity training consultants can develop other programs and analyze policy. Patricia Berkly LLC is a diversity training consultants group that will also develop a tailored risk assessment so organizations can identify the benefits of hiring diversity training consultants. Interactive training, and long term support and analysis by diversity training consultants can pave the way to equity.